XSEDE HPC Workshop: Summer Boot Camp, June 14-17, 2016

April 21, 2016
External link: 

XSEDE HPC Workshop: Summer Boot Camp

June 14-17, 2016

XSEDE, along with the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center will be presenting a Hybrid Computing workshop.

This 4 day event will include MPI, OpenMP, OpenACC and accelerators and run June 14-17.  We will conclude with a special hybrid exercise contest that will challenge the students to apply their skills over the following 3 weeks and be awarded the Third Annual XSEDE Summer Boot Camp Championship Trophy.

Due to demand, this workshop will be telecast to several satellite sites.  This workshop is NOT available via a webcast.

You may attend this event at any of the following sites:

* Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center

* University of Houston

* Lehigh University

* Yale University

* Stony Brook University

* Georgia State University

* Purdue University

* University of Utah

* University of Delaware

* University of Colorado Boulder

* Boston University

* University of Oklahoma

* Old Dominion University

* National Center for Supercomputing Applications

* University of Iowa

To register,  choose the appropriate link on the XSEDE Portal Registration pages: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__portal.xsede.org_course-2Dcalendar&d=AwICaQ&c=-dg2m7zWuuDZ0MUcV7Sdqw&r=1023x1HyBHez6skD7LJICUKyttLJTUGydXC27YWN4YE&m=kvPSjAXbWsq9O1N9mpcPhWYrMrcKf8KEASKMOWyWgCc&s=NfQHTUD4ir8kMqPyiExyjcOkPPOjOeKIFbu-islQG4s&e=

Please address any questions to Tom Maiden at tmaiden@psc.edu.

Visit the following page for more information including the proposed agenda:
