Scheduled Maintenance on Grace, Milgram and McCleary.

The Milgram and Grace clusters will be unavailable from 2pm on June 19 until 10am on June 21, and McCleary will have limited availability during that time due to electrical work being performed in the HPC Data Center.

For Grace and Milgram:  During this time, logins will be disabled, running jobs will be terminated, and connections via Globus will be unavailable. We ask that you save your work, close interactive applications, and logoff the system prior to the start of the maintenance.

For McCleary:  During this time, the cluster will be available, but approximately 60% of the nodes in the day partition, all nodes in the week partition, some GPU and large memory nodes, and all YCGA nodes will not be available.

If you have questions, or would like to provide feedback, please contact us at .