McCleary Scheduled Maintenance 10/3-10/5

McCleary Scheduled Maintenance


Scheduled maintenance will be performed on the McCleary cluster, starting on Tuesday, October 3, 2023, at 8:00 am. Maintenance is expected to be completed by the end of day, Thursday, October 5, 2023.

During the maintenance, logins to the cluster will be disabled.  Storage will remain available.  We ask that you save your work, close interactive applications, and logoff the system prior to the start of the maintenance. An email notification will be sent when the maintenance has been completed, and the cluster is available.

As the maintenance window approaches, the Slurm scheduler will not start any job if the job’s requested wallclock time extends past the start of the maintenance period (8:00 am on October 3, 2023). You can run the command “htnm” (short for “hours_to_next_maintenance”) to determine the number of hours until the next maintenance period, which can aid in submitting jobs that will run before maintenance begins. If you run squeue, such jobs will show as pending jobs with the reason “ReqNodeNotAvail.” (If your job can actually be completed in less time than you requested, you may be able to avoid this by making sure that you request the appropriate time limit using “-t” or “–time”.) Held jobs will automatically return to active status after the maintenance period, at which time they will run in normal priority order.  All running jobs will be terminated at the start of the maintenance period.  Please plan accordingly.

Please visit the status page at for the latest updates.  If you have questions, comments, or concerns, please contact us at